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Getting organized doesn’t have to be stressful.
Plan peacefully with TeuxDeux.

TeuxDeux app on Desktop
TeuxDeux app on iPhone

Your to-do list should never take you out of your workflow.

TeuxDeux is your source of calm in a busy day.

Unintrusive reminders.

No distracting pings or pop-ups that pull you out of flow. Choose if and when you receive your daily to-do list in your inbox.

Your tasks roll over.

Didn’t get to everything today? No sweat. Unfinished to-dos roll over so you can tackle them tomorrow.

Keep your eye on the prize.

Save goals and bucket lists for ‘someday’ under your day-to-day tasks so they’re always in focus.

You can build routines with ease.

Create recurring reminders every day, week, month, year (and more!) with recurring tasks.

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The truth is most productivity tools create more work.
But simple stays organized.

Easier than paper

Synced with iOS and Android.

Easily capture and complete tasks when you’re on the go

TeuxDeux app on iPhone
TeuxDeux app on iPhone
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